Cruises of the R.V. Brown Bear 1952 – 1965
The University of Washington research vessel R.V. Brown Bear made 381 scientific cruises between 1952 and 1965.
1977 The Use, Study, and Management of Puget Sound Symposium Proceedings
"Since man is sometlmes nearsighted in establishing the routes to achleve his goals, it is good practice to review those routes occasionally to see if indeed the correct track is being folIowed." – Alyn C. Duxbury, 1977
The 1977 sypmposium, The Use, Study, and Management of Puget Sound, posed questions about the uses of Puget Sound, the regulations that govern the uses, and the effects of those policies on the environment and its users.
2022 Salish Sea toxics monitoring synthesis: A selection of research
A 2023 report from the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program presents an overview of selected recent monitoring and research activities focused on toxic contaminants in the Salish Sea.
History of UW Oceanography by Eugene Collias
Notes and biography about the history of the department of oceanography at the University of Washington (1903-1980) as reported by oceanagrapher Eugene Collias. Report courtesy of the Collias estate.
2018 Salish Sea toxics monitoring synthesis: A selection of research
A 2019 report from the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program presents an overview of selected recent monitoring and research activities focused on toxic contaminants in the Salish Sea.
Sound Health, Sound Future 2006
In December 2005, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire outlined an ambitious vision for Puget Sound. She appointed 21 leaders, including representatives from building and timber industries, shellfish growers, agriculture and environmental interests, port authorities, and local, state, federal, and tribal governments to the Puget Sound Partnership. The Partnership was given a 10-month assignment to “develop recommendations for preserving the health and ecosystem of Puget Sound, and to help educate and enlist the public in achieving recovery of the Sound by 2020.” The report was published in December 2006.
2016 Salish Sea toxics monitoring review: A selection of research
A 2017 report from the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program presents an overview of selected recent monitoring and research activities focused on toxic contaminants in the Salish Sea.
Sound Science 2007
Sound Science: Synthesizing Ecological and Socio-economic Information about the Puget Sound Ecosystem summarizes what we know about the greater Puget Sound ecosystem and what we think could happen in the future given present trajectories and trends.