Males maintain territories that overlap with those of several females. They attempt to dominate matings with those females.
A mountain lion in the wild will not mate until it has established a home territory. When the female is in estrous, she vocalizes freely and frequently rubs against nearby objects. The male responds with similar yowls and sniffs the female's genital area. The highest frequency of copulation was nine times in one hour. A single copulatory act lasts less than one minute. There is a 67% chance of conception per mated estrous
Mating System: polygynous
Courtship and mating occurs throughout the year, but is concentrated from December to March in northern latitudes. Gestation periods last from 82 to 96 days. A female mountain lion can come into estrus any time of the year. Estrus lasts about nine days. Females usually give birth every other year. After six cycles without mating, the female has a lull for two months before coming into estrous again. Males remain reproductively active to at least an age of 20 years, and females to at least an age of 12 years. Litters vary in size from 1 to 6 cubs with an average of 3 or 4. Birth weight is between 226 to 453 grams. The cubs open their eyes 10 days after birth. At the same time their ear pinnae unfolds, their first teeth erupt, and they begin play. The cubs are fully weaned at about 40 days of age. Mother and cubs remain together for as long as 26 months, though the average is 15 months. Male young disperse from 23 to 274 km, while females disperse from 9 to 140 km. Males reach sexual maturity at about 3 years of age and females at 2 1/2 years.
Breeding interval: Individual female mountain lions usually give birth every two years.
Breeding season: Mating throughout the year, in northern parts of their range mating is more concentrated from December to March.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 6.
Average number of offspring: 2.9.
Range gestation period: 84 to 106 days.
Average gestation period: 92.3 days.
Range weaning age: 28 (low) days.
Average weaning age: 40 days.
Range time to independence: 12 (high) months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2.5 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); fertilization (Internal ); viviparous
Average birth mass: 400 g.
Average number of offspring: 2.5.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male: 912 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female: 912 days.
Mother mountain lions care for and nurse their young until they are about a year old. The young are born helpless and are protected by the mother in a sheltered area until they are big enough to roam and begin to learn and practice hunting skills.
Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care ; post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning