Custom Species Lists
Find content specifically related to fungi and lichens of the Puget Sound and Salish Sea ecosystems. For checklists and descriptive accounts of individual species, visit our species library.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 matching species:
Adequate Spike Lichen
(Calicium adaequatum) -
Adequate Spike Lichen
(Calicium adaequatum) -
Alpine Bloodspot
(Ophioparma ventosa) -
Alpine Bloodspot
(Ophioparma ventosa) -
Giant Shield Lichen
(Cetrelia cetrarioides) -
Giant Shield Lichen
(Cetrelia cetrarioides) -
Hydrothyria Lichen
(Peltigera hydrothyria) -
Hydrothyria Lichen
(Peltigera hydrothyria) -
Needle Lichen
(Chaenotheca chrysocephala) -
Needle Lichen
(Chaenotheca chrysocephala) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria lata) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria lata) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria nigricans) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria nigricans) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria ochroleuca) -
Witch's Hair Lichen
(Alectoria ochroleuca)
Search for Species
Utilizing double quotes for exact terms can narrow your search results. Ex. A common name search of Northwestern Sedge matches 'Northwestern Sedge' and 'Northwestern Showy Sedge'. Typing "Northwestern Sedge" return only 'Northwestern Sedge'.
- Abarenicola claparedi - (Rough-skinned lugworm)
- Abarenicola pacifica - (Pacific lugworm)
- Abarenicola sp.
- Abies amabilis - (Pacific Silver Fir)
- Abies concolor - (White Fir)
- Abies grandis - (Grand Fir)
- Abies lasiocarpa - (Subalpine Fir)
- Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa - (Subalpine Fir)
- Abies procera - (Noble Fir)
- Abietinaria sp
Species Lists
External links
- BirdWeb
- Burke Museum
- Native plant list (King County)
- Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program
- USGS: Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in Puget Sound
- Washington Herp Atlas
- Washington Invasive Species Council
- Washington Natural Heritage Program
- Washington Natural Heritage Program species lists
- World Register of Marine Species