Custom Species Lists
The invertebrate list comprises taxa found in the intertidal zone in Puget Sound that are either identified from the field (macroscopic, surface-dwelling animals) or from sediment samples returned to the lab. Field-identified organisms are limited in their taxonomic detail, and thus some are identified only to phylum (e.g. Nemertea, Bryozoa) or to family (e.g. some Majid crabs). Most of the taxonomic names follow Kozloff's keys to the invertebrates, and many of these need updating. The list includes species from all intertidal habitats (mud, sand, cobble, rock) but is certainly not exhaustive, especially for sparse organisms (e.g., nudibranchs, some seastars). Fishes are not included.
This list is courtesy of Megan Dethier at the Friday Harbor Laboratories.
Invertebrates of the Puget Sound intertidal zone
The invertebrate list comprises taxa found in the intertidal zone in Puget Sound that are either identified from the field (macroscopic, surface-dwelling animals) or from sediment samples returned to the lab. Field-identified organisms are limited in their taxonomic detail, and thus some are identified only to phylum (e.g. Nemertea, Bryozoa) or to family (e.g. some Majid crabs). Most of the taxonomic names follow Kozloff's keys to the invertebrates, and many of these need updating. The list includes species from all intertidal habitats (mud, sand, cobble, rock) but is certainly not exhaustive, especially for sparse organisms (e.g., nudibranchs, some seastars). Fishes are not included.
This list is courtesy of Megan Dethier at the Friday Harbor Laboratories.
[no common name]
(Pinnixia schmitti/occidentalis) -
[no common name]
(Pinnixia tubicola) -
[no common name]
(Podarke pugettensis) -
[no common name]
(Pododesmus cepio) -
[no common name]
(Polycirrus n. sp. (L. Harris)) -
[no common name]
(Polydora ?websteri) -
[no common name]
(Polydora armata) -
[no common name]
(Polydora brachycephala) -
[no common name]
(Polydora cardalia) -
[no common name]
(Polydora columbiana) -
[no common name]
(Polydora proboscidea) -
[no common name]
(Polydora quadrilobata) -
[no common name]
(Polydora socialis) -
[no common name]
(Polyeunoa tuta) -
[no common name]
(Pontogeneia ivanovi) -
[no common name]
(Potamilla sp.) -
[no common name]
(Protomedeia articulata) -
[no common name]
(Protothaca staminea) -
[no common name]
(Pseudopolydora kempi japonica) -
[no common name]
(Pseudopythina rugifera) -
[no common name]
(Ptilohyale plumulosa) -
[no common name]
(Pugettia sp.) -
[no common name]
(Rhamphidonta retifera) -
[no common name]
(Saccoglossus sp.) -
[no common name]
(Samytha californica) -
[no common name]
(Saxidomus giganteus) -
[no common name]
(Scololepis foliosa) -
[no common name]
(Scoloplos armiger) -
[no common name]
(Semibalanus cariosus) -
[no common name]
(Serpulid sp. (unident.)) -
[no common name]
(Sigambra tentaculata) -
[no common name]
(Sipunculids (unident.)) -
[no common name]
(Spiochaetopterus costarum) -
[no common name]
(Spiochaetopterus tube) -
[no common name]
(Spiophanes bombyx) -
[no common name]
(Stronglyocentrotus droebachiensis) -
[no common name]
(Syllids) -
[no common name]
(Tectura scutum) -
[no common name]
(Tellina bodegensis) -
[no common name]
(Thelepus crispus) -
[no common name]
(Tonicella lineata) -
[no common name]
(Transennella tantilla) -
[no common name]
(Traskorchestia spp.) -
[no common name]
(Travisia sp.) -
[no common name]
(Tubifex spp.) -
[no common name]
(Turbonilla sp. (unident.)) -
[no common name]
(Urticina sp.)
Search for Species
Utilizing double quotes for exact terms can narrow your search results. Ex. A common name search of Northwestern Sedge matches 'Northwestern Sedge' and 'Northwestern Showy Sedge'. Typing "Northwestern Sedge" return only 'Northwestern Sedge'.
- Abarenicola claparedi - (Rough-skinned lugworm)
- Abarenicola pacifica - (Pacific lugworm)
- Abarenicola sp.
- Abies amabilis - (Pacific Silver Fir)
- Abies concolor - (White Fir)
- Abies grandis - (Grand Fir)
- Abies lasiocarpa - (Subalpine Fir)
- Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa - (Subalpine Fir)
- Abies procera - (Noble Fir)
- Abietinaria sp
Species Lists
External links
- BirdWeb
- Burke Museum
- Native plant list (King County)
- Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program
- USGS: Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in Puget Sound
- Washington Herp Atlas
- Washington Invasive Species Council
- Washington Natural Heritage Program
- Washington Natural Heritage Program species lists
- World Register of Marine Species