State of the salmon in watersheds 2016
A biennial report produced by the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office provides stories and data about salmon, habitat, and salmon recovery in Washington, including Puget Sound.
This report documents how Washingtonians have responded to the challenges of protecting and restoring salmon and steelhead. It is a tool to summarize achievements, track salmon recovery progress statewide and by recovery region. The Recreation and Conservation Office is required by law to produce this report every two years.
About the Author:
The Governor's Salmon Recovery Office was established by the Legislature, through the Salmon Recovery Planning Act, and charged with coordinating a statewide salmon recovery strategy. Other tasks include:
Helping develop and implement regional recovery plans;
Securing funding for local, regional, and state recovery efforts;
Preparing the Web site and biennial State of the Salmon in Watersheds report to the Legislature;
Advising the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
The Recreation and Conservation Office supports the Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office.
About this article
Article Type:
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office; Governor's Salmon Recovery Office
External Publication Source:
Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office
Originally Published:
July 2016
Posted in EoPS: