Puget Sound Shoreline Parcel Segmentation Report
A 2014 report prepared by Coastal Geologic Services, Inc. examines spatial patterns in Puget Sound shoreline characteristics at the parcel-unit scale. It was developed in support of a social marketing strategy by state agencies to reduce shoreline armoring in the region.
Project Background
The Puget Sound Marine & Nearshore Grant Program, co-led by Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife and Natural Resources, funded this project with the goal of reducing the total amount of traditional “hard” armor along Puget Sound marine shorelines. This can be accomplished by a combination of reducing new armor and removing existing armor. Hard armor refers to structures placed on the upper beach and at the toe of bluffs typically to reduce erosion, and is referred to using a variety of terms in the Puget Sound region, including the terms bulkhead, seawall, revetment, and rockery. Armor has been associated with numerous negative impacts to the Puget Sound nearshore. The Social Marketing Strategy to Reduce Puget Sound Shoreline Armoring project describes how we can overcome barriers and motivate residential landowners to voluntarily choose alternatives to hard armor.
Coastal Geologic Services, Inc. (2014) Puget Sound Shoreline Parcel Segmentation Report. The Puget Sound Marine & Nearshore Grant Program. 24 pgs.