Pathogens Prevention Reduction and Control 5-6 (PC-00J88801) Final Report
The Pathogens Prevention Reduction and Control agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Department of Health focuses on the prevention and reduction of pathogen pollution in Puget Sound through the management of human and animal waste. The primary objectives of the agreement include restoring shellfish growing areas, avoiding shellfish closures, and protecting people from disease.
Report description
In September 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency awarded the second round of funding through a Lead Organization Cooperative Agreement {PC-0J88801 aka “Rounds 5-6”} to the Department of Health (DOH) in support of Puget Sound Estuary Ecosystem Restoration and Protection. This document and the supplemental materials provided serve as this agreement’s final report. Please note that the first round of funding (“Rounds 1-4”) of the Pathogens Prevention Reduction and Control Lead Organization work falls under a separate cooperative agreement {PC-00J32601} that ended in January 2017. The work of these two agreements fall under a six-year strategy which allowed DOH as a Lead Organization to work with the EPA, Puget Sound Partnership (PSP), Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC) and other Lead Organization agencies to develop and manage projects in alignment with the Puget Sound Action Agenda. Over six years and two cooperative agreements more than 160 projects were sub-awarded with over $20 million invested.
This work has remained dedicated to the prevention and reduction of pathogen pollution in Puget Sound through the management of human and animal waste. Pathogens present a public health risk through consumption of shellfish and contact with polluted waters during recreational activities. Restoring shellfish growing areas, avoiding shellfish closures, and protecting people from disease served as the primary objectives of this Pathogens agreement. This document, and related appendices, serve as the final report for “Rounds 5-6” which ended August 31, 2019.