Interactive map of Puget Sound and the Salish Sea

Use our interactive map to determine if a geographic feature is within the boundaries of the Puget Sound or Salish Sea watersheds. The Puget Sound region includes the area within the United States while the Salish Sea region* encompasses the entire shaded area. Areas that influence circulation in the Salish Sea or eventually drain into the estuary are marked by broader boundaries.

A screenshot of an interactive map of the Salish Sea
A screenshot of an interactive map of the Salish Sea

Salish Sea and Puget Sound basins

Map sources: 

Shaded Salish Sea* and Puget Sound boundaries are courtesy of NOAA.

Broader watershed and circulation boundaries are courtesy of the Salish Sea Modeling Center. 

*Salish Sea boundaries within the shaded area do not include the entire watershed and were determined by mapmakers based on a combination of factors described here.