Clean Water District Activities in Jefferson and Clallam Counties

This report summarizes activities and accomplishments completed under the grant PO-00J100-01 from September 13, 2010 to December 31, 2015. 

Final report overview 

The project was multi-jurisdictional focusing on water quality issues: 

  • Identifying sources of water quality degradation from onsite sewage systems and provide low interest loans to replace them in Clallam County. 
  • Identifying domestic and farm animal keeping practices with potential to or actively degrading water quality and provide funds to correct and improve these areas using approved best management practices in Jefferson and Clallam Counties. 
  • Building a program at Jefferson County to enable homeowner to complete some of the required monitoring septic system inspections. 
  • Manage the inspection and monitoring of onsite sewage system in Jefferson County that will result in identification of malfunctioning or failed septic systems before they result in water quality degradation. 
  • Provide education and support to both the professionals in the onsite sewage industry, the agricultural community as well as the public. 

Partners in this project were Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH), Clallam County Environmental Health Department (CCEHD), Clallam Conservation District (CCD) and Jefferson County Conservation District (JCCD). Activities ranged from: 

  • Development of an agreement with a provider of low interest loans to replace failing or substandard septic systems in Clallam County. 
  • Water quality sampling in watersheds in Jefferson County. 
  • Survey and prioritization of properties and agricultural practices in JC . 
  • Creation and amendment of farm plans and implementation of best management practices on many properties in both Jefferson and Clallam Counties. 
  • Technical assistance and classes on agricultural best management practices by JCCD and CCD. 
  • Classes to professionals and homeowners on septic system operation, maintenance, and inspection by JCPH and CCEHD. 
  • Development and implementation of an online program for authorizing homeowners to conduct inspections of their septic systems in Jefferson County. 
  • We know that both counties will experience long term positive water quality impacts as a result of the project and the investment in our communities.
  • Survey and prioritization of properties and agricultural practices in JC . 
  • Creation and amendment of farm plans and implementation of best management practices on many properties in both Jefferson and Clallam Counties. 
  • Technical assistance and classes on agricultural best management practices by JCCD and CCD. 
  • Classes to professionals and homeowners on septic system operation, maintenance, and inspection by JCPH and CCEHD. 
  • Development and implementation of an online program for authorizing homeowners to conduct inspections of their septic systems in Jefferson County. 

We know that both counties will experience long term positive water quality impacts as a result of the project and the investment in our communities.


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